Who We Are
Meet Tommy
Tommy Garland, a recipient of the USEF Equestrian of Honor is a renowned horseman, author, clinician and horse trainer. His innovative approach to horse training has garnered praise and top honors at the highest level in the international world of Equestrians.
Before coming to notoriety as one of the industry’s most popular horse clinicians, Tommy gained recognition as one of the best horse trainers and most successful showmen of Arabian and Half Arabian horses. As a child Tommy rode hunter/jumper and worked and trained at his father’s training facility. In 1985 Tommy began working with Arabians and eventually focused on Western Pleasure, a Western-style competition technique. Tommy credits his trainer father, also named Tommy, with much of his early learning about horsemanship.
“My father had a tremendous gift with horses, and I was lucky to be able to learn from him. He taught me to use patience and care, never to rush with a horse.” – Tommy

Tommy’s unique common-sense training techniques led to a successful RFD-TV television series titled CPR For the Horse and Rider in 2006. CPR (Confidence, Patience, and Respect), is the perfect phrase for Tommy’s approach to horse training for both horses and their humans. Tommy says the secret to success with horse training lies in making something hard look easy. He strives to have horses (and their riders) relaxed and enjoying what they’re doing.
Over the years Tommy has become a renowned Arabian horse trainer, having worked with some of the best Arabian show and breeding barns in the country. With that said, he has spent the past 30+ years training not only Arabians and Half-Arabians but Quarter Horses, Paints and Morgans as well. His techniques have been universally accepted, respected and utilized by horse owners of all breeds & disciplines.

Horse Training
Located in Bristol Tennessee, Garlands’ focus is on training all disciplines for multiple breeds, while specializing in Arabian and Half Arabian horses. Tommy works closely with assistant trainers, Erica Reszitnyk and Sarah Grossi.
The combined experience and national level accomplishments of Tommy and his team ensure the highest level training of both horses and their riders. The common-sense approach they each take is what sets Garlands apart in the world of horse training and riding lessons. Garlands aims to build a horse’s confidence while effectively teaching them to perform at their highest ability.
The Garland Training Videos are available to help each horse owner accomplish their goals by studying and rewatching what they’ve learned while in the saddle. You can ensure the lessons “stick” when it comes time to compete in the national show circuit. Every rider can expand their lessons beyond the time spent at the farm by watching these videos.

Garlands, A Symbol for Success
No matter your goals, Garlands can help you reach them. If you dream of learning to ride your horse on a trail, Tommy and his team will lead you down that very path! If your dream involves wearing the coveted Garland of roses on the international show circuit, his team of accomplished trainers can get you there too.
Contact Garlands today to take your first step toward your equestrian goals!